5 Cold Call Scripts That Booked 269 Appts in 24 Hrs 

Cold calling is hard. Add COVID-19 to the mix, and you have a recipe for disaster. Steal the EXACT cold calling framework Seamless.AI’s SDRs are using to book over 250+ appointments every day.

5 Cold Call Scripts That Booked 269 Appts in 24 Hrs 

Cold calling is hard. Add COVID-19 to the mix, and you have a recipe for disaster. Steal the EXACT cold calling frameworks Seamless.AI’s SDRs are using to book over 250+ appointments every day.

About These Scripts

According to a report by TOPO, live call execution is cited as the top challenge facing sales development leaders today. Add COVID-19 and you have a recipe for chaos.

Sales leaders have failed to equip SDRs with a repeatable framework and the conversational skills required to hold a relevant and valuable conversation, and then compel a prospect to meet with them

The underlying issue here isn’t that live calling as a channel is broken, the issue is that it’s being done all wrong.
By applying the frameworks Seamless.AI’s own SDR team uses, you’ll be able to have meaningful conversations with your prospects that lead to booked meetings and appointments.

So what are you waiting for? Click the button below for our proven cold calling formula and 5 call scripts you can copy right into your sales process today.

Steal Our Scripts

Cold calling is hard. Add COVID-19 to the mix, and you have a recipe for disaster. Steal the EXACT cold calling frameworks Seamless.AI’s SDRs are using to book over 250+ appointments every day.

Steal These Formulas

Cold Calls not getting the warm reception you hoped for? Breakthrough the noise with our proven Cold Calling Formula & 5 Script templates.